PlybooSport Bamboo Sport Flooring

FSC® Certified 100% C012079
The material in this product comes from well-managed forests, independently certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council®.
Certified by SCS Certification Systems to meet the indoor air quality standards of FloorScore®.
100% bamboo
Standard sizes
3/4” x 2 1/4” x 72”
19mm x 55mm x 1830mm
Fire rating
ASTM E648 Critical Radiant Flux, Class 1
ASTM D1037 Janka Ball Hardness Test
Edge Grain Natural: Avg. 1700 psi, Edge Grain Amber
65lbs per box
22.5kg per box
Contact our sports flooring representative for recommendations on floor finish materials for PlybooSport Floors: e-mail or call toll free: 800-939-7397.
MRc7: Certified Wood (Bamboo)
MRc7: Certified Wood (Installer Supplied Subfloor Materials)
MRc6: Rapidly Renewable Materials
IEQc4.3: Low-Emitting Materials – Flooring Systems (No Added Urea Formaldehyde)
IEQc4.1, 4.2: (Installer Supplied) Paints and Coatings
I.D.: Innovation in Design